
by Susana Teixeira


Jewelry and History woven together: filigree and the Golden Rectangle.

The Golden Rectangle has been considered for centuries as the paradigm of beauty. A geometric figure with particular aesthetic virtues. Susana uses the art of filigree to bring it to life - the exact construction, at the initiation stage using a ruler and compass.

“For me, creating a jewel is a magical experience, and also something closely connected to the background of the designer. In my case, the influence of mathematics is clear in my designs. It is where the conceptual origin of my pieces is born. I elaborate from a scientific rigor - that matter necessitates - and then the pieces tell their own story. This is the story I try to tell in the collection "The Golden Rectangle".

Susana uses the art of filigree to bring it to life - the exact construction, at the initiation stage using a ruler and compass - the Golden Rectangle has been considered for centuries as the paradigm of beauty. A geometric figure with particular aesthetic virtues.


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by Joana Mieiro


In the beginning there is a blank sheet - on this expanse of possibility, endless ideas take shape. From architecture to design, jewelry emerges, transforming over time at first as image and then object.


My inspiration comes initially from shapes and elements I see in nature.


In this collection, the drop is the organic form that transforms and draws us into a dance of perception and movement.


A drop of water changes shape as it moves in interaction with the surface of the material on which it falls. It is sinuous and is an element that connotes a small piece, a fraction, with the power to make a difference. ”An ounce of luck”.


Viana Blue is a technical challenge for me, but working with Filigree is something that has always fascinated me, in its detail, its minutia, in its incomparable delicacy.

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by Romeu Bettencourt


There are times in life when, for whatever reasons, we are taken from one place to another. In this process, we create a break from all that is familiar, whether home, comfort, family or friends. It can create the feeling of Saudade - a beautiful distinctly Portuguese concept; the idea of melancholy, nostalgia, a deep longing rooted in separation in time or space. It speaks simultaneously to presence and absence, “the love that remains” - it is at once recollection and emptiness.


This was the inspiration for the Reunion Collection.

A collection created by a junction of geometric elements that symbolize reunions.


Where there were empty spaces, they have in places been filled by filigree, which speak to the force of our memories and stories, and how they nourish our human connections.

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